At the zoo

At the zoo

Ogden Temple with Paul and Gloria

Ogden Temple with Paul and Gloria

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

All the kids are busy with with their famlies so Neal and I try to visit each one.
Justin lives in Billings and has 2 girls that live in Franklin with thier mom. Saydie is 8 and JayCee is 4.
Bryon and Lisa moved into their new home in Layton in 2007. Kambel is thier only child and she is 8 years old.
Kyle and Melissa are in Missoula, Montana and have just moved into a new home. They have 3 children, Hunter 7 years old, Lili 5 years old, and Ruby will be 3 in July.
Tyson and Mary are in Mesquite and have 2 children, Dodger 3 years old and Sweden 2 year old.

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