At the zoo

At the zoo

Ogden Temple with Paul and Gloria

Ogden Temple with Paul and Gloria

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Over Memorial day week end We had Justin and his girls, and Marys family. The weather was a little cold but we still had a hot dog roast in the back yard and did smores.
Mary's family and Justin and the girls went to Lava on wednesday and they were the only ones in the pool for most of the day. When it rained they would go to the indoor pool and when the sun came out they would go to the outdoor pool. They had a great time on the new slides.
We went to the zoo in Salt Lake on Thursday which turned out to be a great day. Not to hot and not to cold. Mary's family went home thursday night and then Justin and I took the girls to lagoon on saterday. I can now say I have rode on the ride wicked. It was great. Everyone should try it.

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