At the zoo

At the zoo

Ogden Temple with Paul and Gloria

Ogden Temple with Paul and Gloria

Saturday, July 24, 2010

We've had a busy summer. On the 4th of July we went camping. We have started going up to Emigration camp ground every 4th of July with my sisters and brothers famlies. Kyles family came for the first time in a while. Melissa is not a camper but she was a good sport. The rest of my kids couldn't come this year, but we had a great time.
The weather was still a little bit colder than usual at night. We went to Bear Lake on saturday and it was a cool 68 degrees. The kids still got in the water and played, but 3 hours was long enough. That night Craig and Nancy came up, and Donald Lee and Mother came from Layton for supper. Candice made barbaque spare ribs and we had dutch oven potatoes with salads and goodies. It was really delicious. It's so fun to get as many of us together as we can.

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